Category: Books

Character Study: The Painter

Published by on September 11, 2016
Categories: Books Character Study

Trashed out. In need of repair. Dingy paint, chipped. Floors, scratches showing clean wood through years of grime or squares of linoleum tiles searching for their place among empty patches of dried glue. Ceilings, smoke stained; bathtubs, ringed with mineral deposits clinging to God only knew whose old skin. Chicken coop out back, empty except […]

Plots and Characters

Published by on September 9, 2016
Categories: Books Plots and Characters

I’ve been asked how it is I plot my novels. The short answer is: I don’t, not really, kinda sorta somewhat not. The correct answer is: I have a general idea of story, but when my characters surprise me, my stories always benefit. In other words, I write like John le Carré. For instance, my […]

Rainbow in a Lemon Fizz Can

Published by on September 9, 2016
Categories: Books Opinion

I first met Charles Olaf Johnson, or Chuck as friends call him, at my writing critique group run by Jedwin Smith. Chuck was in his mid-seventies, but that didn’t stop him from flirting. I remember thinking, “Dang, Chuck, if you were younger…holy cow, I would be in trouble.” And he knew I was thinking that. Chuck was awesomely […]

To Plot or Not to Plot

Published by on September 7, 2016
Categories: Books

To plot, or not to plot — that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the book to allow The characters to surprise the writer Or to make detailed plot assignments And, by controlling, end the surprise. To plan the plot — who knows — and by plan to say we end The heartache, and […]

Character Study: The Girl

Published by on September 5, 2016
Categories: Character Study

Long and tall she was born. Skin and bones, too, because her mother, determined to walk out of the hospital in her skinny pants, had eaten only goat’s milk and cornbread during her pregnancy thereby almost starving her firstborn. But the girl’s survival instinct was strong. So, using God’s very own system while plugged into […]

Mother, Friend, and Honey: Not good choices as your editor.

Published by on August 25, 2016
Categories: Book Design Books Editing Retail Ready

A friend of mine, Marcus Dewan Williams, owns a highly successful independent bookstore. He posted this on Facebook: Too many self-published authors are putting out LOW QUALITY books. POOR cover designs. POOR typesetting. POOR grammar and etc. smh From the beginning Marcus has supported those who couldn’t get a publishing deal and went the self-pub route. […]